Gum Disease Treatment

Gum Disease

Advanced LANAP® Laser Gum Disease Treatment

Research has shown a strong link between the health of your mouth and the rest of your body. As your Lebanon dental team, Dr. Cox and his hygienists stress the importance of brushing, flossing, and coming in for a cleaning at least twice a year in order to keep you at your healthiest and happiest. One of the largest oral health issues Dr. Cox sees is gum disease. Gum disease is a preventable disease that, if left untreated, can lead to tooth loss and systemic issues like heart disease and stroke.

Lebanon dentist, Dr. Cox, takes his role in disease prevention seriously and conducts periodontal risk assessments annually. If, however, you suffer from gum disease, know that Dr. Cox is experienced in minimally invasive and effective laser treatment with LANAP®.

How do I know if I have gum disease?

LANAP No Cut, No Sew, No FearIf you find your gums bleed when you brush or floss, or if you find that you are unable to alleviate bad breath, it may be a sign of gum disease.

Gum disease symptoms often include:

  • Red or puffy gums
  • Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
  • Loose teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth

What happens if gum disease goes untreated?

If left untreated gum disease can be devastating. Some long-term effects may include:

  • Loss of teeth
  • Recession of gums
  • Loss of bone
  • May contribute to or intensify systemic issues like diabetes and heart disease

A minimally invasive gum disease treatment can repair damage and restore your oral health with little discomfort. Dr. Cox and his Lebanon team urge you to schedule a consultation if you have noticed one or more signs of gum disease.

LANAP® Laser Therapy

LANAPLANAP® stands for Laser Assisted New Attachment Protocol and is the most advanced laser gum disease treatment technology available. Traditional gum disease treatments involve scaling and root planing, which is essentially a deep cleaning that involves scraping out the diseased tissue. More severe cases may require invasive surgery. Thankfully, your Lebanon dentist has a better alternative!

LANAP® uses a tiny laser fiber to pass between the gums and the teeth that targets and eliminates the diseased tissue while leaving healthy tissue intact.

True Regeneration™The benefits of LANAP® include:

  • Most conservative treatment option
  • No surgery (no cutting or sewing)
  • More  comfortable for the patient
  • Faster recovery time
  • Better healing
  • Less anxiety
  • Stimulates new bone & tissue growth
  • Higher success rates & better results
  • Only FDA cleared protocol for True Regeneration™ of gum tissue

If you’re looking for the best gum disease treatment in Lebanon MO, look no further than the skilled hands of Dr. Cox at Advanced Dental. LANAP® laser gum treatment can get your gums healthy and your smile back on track without the need for invasive techniques.

Contact your Lebanon, MO dentist today for more information on gum disease prevention and treatment at (417) 288-4259.

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(417) 588-2555
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Advanced Dental is conveniently located on Highway 32 in Lebanon, and has a convenient appointment time waiting for you and your family.
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